The Creative Passport

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Dear Creative Passport Community,

Over the last 18 months we have been unusually quiet with little to no communication with you all. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you what has been going on:


Over lockdown, finances were depleted and we were on the edge of stopping operations. At this time however it seemed a solution had arrived on our lap and in late 2021 we entered a dialogue with a much larger music technology company which was then very much aligned with our own values and visions. They were interested in a merger which would enable us to grow together, yet retain the Creative Passport’s mission, core values and employees. We entered a process of contract negotiations which ended up taking an exceptionally long time and effort. During this period we were not at liberty to divulge any information externally, hence our limited communications with everyone.


Unfortunately, after over a year of negotiations, this deal recently fell through which has understandably both deeply disappointed and frustrated us. Not only for the loss of the great potential this merger had, but also for the loss of time and focus spent on protracted negotiations rather than further developing The Creative Passport.


It is important to say that we are not ready to give up! We have made huge strides in the data, music and identity space over the last four years, learning an enormous amount and garnering a vast array of knowledge, experience, connections and support. The need for verified music data and core human identity is more important now than ever: The world has changed this year in light of AI and this is going to affect musicians 1000fold more than Napster ever did.


We are happy to share that we will soon be revealing a completely new and improved redesign of the Creative Passport platform, something we were working hard on alongside the negotiations of last year. It has a completely new look and improved user experience – we hope you will be as excited about it as we are.


We will also be organising a hackathon in due course to explore various directions that the Creative Passport may take and will inform you all of how to engage and participate in that later down the line.


We would still encourage you all to please keep using and spreading the word on the Creative Passport. We are painfully aware it is not where we promised it would be as we now play catch up on our goals to revolutionise the music industry. But the fact still remains that with enough of us using it we can build a huge leverage to encourage integration with music services and improve the industry, putting the music maker at the forefront of the value chain.


We look forward to what lies ahead for The Creative Passport and music makers world-wide and thank you once again for your continued support and commitment.


We look forward to what lies ahead for The Creative Passport and music makers world-wide and thank you once again for your continued support and commitment.